Saturday, November 15, 2008

We Need Your Stories

Marva Collins said "There is a brilliant child locked inside every student." Unfortunately, in some Florida schools that child is never given a chance. They are never afforded the opportunity for a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and instead they are simply warehoused, socially promoted, or even worse (if that is possible) retained. That brilliant child is left locked inside the student in spite of a complement of laws that are allegedly supposed to protect our students who need Exceptional Student Education (ESE) services.

In order to change this pattern we need the stories Florida's children who have asked their school districts for ESE services and who have not received the support they needed. We need these stories so that we show our legislators what we are up against, to substantiate our request to put real bite in our laws so that school districts cannot simply ignore our brilliant children anymore.

Please contribute your child's story to our website so that our unified voices can be heard. Select the option below to comment on this article and tells us as much as you like. Please include your zip code so that we can keep tally and notifiy the legislators that our children need their help.


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